[Dance] Solange – Rise

走自己的路,你才可以粉滅走自己的路,你才可以沉睡走自己的路,你才可以重生 ตกหลุมรักคุณเพื่อที่คุณจะได้สลายตกหลุมรักคุณเพื่อที่คุณจะได้นอนหลับตกหลุมรักคุณเพื่อที่คุณจะได้ตื่นและลุกขึ้น Fall in your ways, so you can crumbleFall in your ways, so you can sleep at nightFall in your ways, so you can wake up and rise

Hurt me. Hurt you.

The cost that comes home to producers in the form of tired muscles and tedious waiting for the enjoyable fruits of labour, is not one that finds expression in terms of utility or value: it is […]

From Mabinogi to nihilism – part 1

A bit about myself Since kindergarten, people often complimented me on my academic excellence.  A fast learner I was. In class, I was always among the first ones who could grasp a new theory or concept […]

Conservation method, ANOVA, career path

1. After my conversation with June yesterday, I was kindly recommended to consider the opportunity of starting a research topic on the incorporation of pre-colonial indigenous Khoisan knowledge in ecological conservation of habitats like the Cape […]

Opening statement

I feel like since my memory is getting worse as I am now getting older (I’m at a riping age of 23) I shall start writing a diary – something I’ve tried to do many times […]

A gam of whales

The media has been talking about this Blue Whale Challenge, a 50-day challenge that urges you to kill yourself on the last day.