I am standing on the mountain top | 我站在山頂上

My dead mahout friend (Somkid) once told me that I look at everything as if I was standing on the mountain top while everyone else was down the mountain. I see things more crystal clear than anyone else but I also miss all the beauties that only exist in the close-ups.

Maybe you’ve met me at some point of your life, but sooner or later I always drift away to somewhere else. I still look at all my beloved friends and beyond, except from far away. I still exist in your life but only as a ghost from that mountan you once visited; except I’m a ghost that stays with you for the rest of your hike.

Love me but don’t try to miss me. I do not belong to anyone. I do not belong to any land. I do not belong to any moment. I am a 4D being that floats along this river of time, so I cannot belong to any moment or any memory with anyone. I want to be wind. I want to be a ghost. I want to be the one seated in a cinema watching this movie called Human and Life.




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