Opening statement

I feel like since my memory is getting worse as I am now getting older (I’m at a riping age of 23) I shall start writing a diary – something I’ve tried to do many times in the past but never lasted more than a month at a time. This time, however, is fundamentally different in the sense that this serves mostly as my notepad for things that I want to write down and not forget (instead of trying to be fancy) and talk to myself (even though I have enough of conversation with myself throughout the day already). This diary needs not be private and decorated with any literature devices. Clarity, grammar and correct spelling is highly encouraged for when I need to revisit some old thoughts but need not be an absolute requirement.

I would also like to stress that this diary is not supposed to be mandatory in any form and its primary intended audience should always be myself. It is a centralized personal thinkpad and shall remain so at all times. It can be shared (because the Internet is a public domain babe) and whether it takes priority over person-to-person communication can be discussed, but the two forms shall not be merged. If anything needs to be aimed towards the audience the content on this diary can be copied to another place, or if time becomes limiting, this diary can be discontinued. But this diary itself never aims at communicating with anyone but myself.

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