Planet #10616 {part 4}

Suddenly, Lilian couldn’t see anything. The whole world just… logged off. When Lilian was a kid, she used to close her eyes and “look” at the world through her eyelids. Sometimes she saw nothing. Sometimes she […]

The Zombie Fungus and the Bee {part 1}

Convergent evolution is truly a simple yet beautiful theory: if different living creatures are facing similar stress from their respective environmental conditions, sometimes they would adopt the same strategy to overcome those obstacles. For example, both […]

Planet #10616 {part 3}

A middle-aged woman with glasses walked into the hall. Dr. Herat was a small woman, but the way she walked emanated such energy that most people were aware of her presence as soon as she opened […]

Planet #10616 {part 2}

Repeatedly blowing and sipping from the cup, Lilian strolled down the campus into the presentation hall. The new Faculty Hall had only been constructed about a year ago. It had that signature high ceiling, wooden panels […]

Planet #10616 {part 1}

Kimm knelt down on one knee and started tying his leather shoes. “Are you ready yet,” yelled towards the hallway. “Yup. I’m ready,” yelled back Lilian from the bathroom. Lilian turned off the lights in the […]