[Music] Polaris | Vocal cover of Reminiscent by Yiruma

Reminiscent is a song that holds an important place in my heart.

The first time I heard it was through the speaker of a dear friend of mine. To say friend is an understatement, because they are like a soulmate to me. Have you ever met someone that makes you feel like they are the exact opposite of you, but at the same time they are also exactly identical to you? Up to this day, I still have no idea how to even begin to classify my feelings towards them. Luckily, I never needed to anyway.

But that alone does not justify how much I love this song. I didn’t even know the song title when I heard this melody for the first time. However, I got this melancholic feeling that came from nowhere. It felt like my head was flooded with a lot of precious memories, except I wasn’t thinking of any actual memories in particular. Why was I sad and happy at the same time? Why did I feel like I had escaped the river of time? All of it brought me to a place so magical and reminiscent that has since changed my life in a way that I still don’t and will probably never comprehend.


Tell me do you see the Polaris
Tell me do you see the Polaris
Tell me do you still look up and see the Polaris
Tell me do you see the Polaris

We were sweeping brown wet leaves into a pile
We were trying to light it all on fire
Though we never said a word in those two hours but
Yours eyes they already told me everything I wanna hear

I was looking out the binoculars
You were sleeping on the deck by the pillars
Someone said they saw the fluke of an Irrawaddy
Your face it shined with all colours

Once you said you wanna go
Sail with the wind to the shores and seas
I asked if I could join you too
I would follow you if I had the chance

Tell me do you see the Polaris
Tell me do you see the Polaris
Tell me do you still look up and see the Polaris
Tell me do you see the Polaris

I know we should be moving on
But I can’t
I shouldn’t be looking back
But I am

Cause every time I turn around
I tell myself that
I think I still see you
I think I still see you
I think I still see you
I think I still see your face sometimes

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