The Battle With Dreams – Chapter 2 part 1

When Karza woke up, he realized he was in a hospital ward.

It was one of those standard hospital ward settings: fake ceiling with a few while tiles replaced by downlights, two rows of hospital cots, and the air that smelled of disinfectant and doctor’s gloves. The headboard of Karza’s bed was touching the wall, and three greenish curtains were hugging all remaining sides of the bed like a peninsula.

Before Karza’d figured out what was happening, the curtain on the right suddenly opened. It was Man, a face and a name that Karza had almost forgotten. Man used to be one of those prepubescent childhood crushes that Karza had. Perhaps it was a pure admiration of that beautiful face, or the foolishness of his acts, but that didn’t make Man any more memorable to be honest.

Man wasn’t exactly the one that was lying on the adjacent bed. It was a naked brown woman. By the looks of it, it could well be his girlfriend – because he was half naked from the waist down, preparing to shove that throbbing cock of his up the smirking young woman’s vagina.

Karza was never really attracted to Man in a sexual way, but who would refuse a free VIP ticket to a live sex show?

Before the erotica even ensured, however, the curtains started swerving in response to the air-conditioning in the room.

She saw.

The girl, an actual bed-bound patient who was at the opposite side of the room, saw them. With a semi-disgusted look on her face, she pressed down the button that’d alert the ward staff.

Not even 30 seconds later, half a dozen gowned men and women rushed into the room, escorting Karza, Man and the other girl out of the room, and straight onto a plane.

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